Join Us by DJM (f/f, mud, grim?) April slipped away from the bird watching group. She had joined the group on the Internet hoping to spot some of the birds missing from her diary. It was obvious, though; that the more sensitive species were avoiding the well-traveled path the amateur group was following. She pushed through some hedges and found an old, barely discernable path leading down towards the lake. She pulled her 'Field Guide to North American Birds' from her fanny pack and worked her way down the path. Shortly she started feeling a bit light headed. As she moved along the path it almost felt as if someone was speaking to her but she couldn't make out the words. As she got closer to the lake the voices became clearer. "/Join us!/" they seemed to whisper in her ear. She glanced around but there was no one there. She felt a strange stirring in her loins and the voices became louder urging her further down the path. She found that the path was blocked by a large pool of gray mud, which was covered by a light mist. April turned to return up the path but her legs refused to obey. "/Join us!/" the voices rang out in her head. As she turned back to the mud she saw two female figures rising from the mud. No, not rising. It was if they were being formed by the mud itself. They were extremely beautiful, the mud seeming to shimmer in the dappled light from the surrounding trees. They beckoned and her body was suddenly aflame with passion. She tried to take a step back but the voices crawled into her head. "/No, you cannot escape. Your simple mind is no match for our powers./" "Who ... what are you?" asked April as her feet moved her closer to the pit. "/We are earth spirits/," said one, "/mud nymphs/" said the other. "/You must join us/!" April was now standing at the very edge of the pit. Her body was quivering with desire but she was terrified by their demands. "/Remove your clothing!/" Unable to resist she removed her halter-top, her shorts, panties and shoes. The nymphs had floated to the edge of the mud and reached out to her. April put her hands into theirs and took a step into the mud. It was about knee deep at the edge. The urged her a few steps further out and then pushed her onto her back. She thrust her arms behind her holding her head just above the mud. The creatures started covering her body with the creamy mud paying special attention to her groin and breasts. April wiggled with pleasure as one of the nymphs, her head completely under the mud, began licking her vagina, her tongue, made of mud, slipping deeply inside her. Her legs slid out from underneath her and she felt herself slipping downwards in the mud. She strained up with her hands frantic to keep her head above the surface. The other nymph flowed over her and straddled her, caressing her breasts lovingly but making it more difficult for April to breathe. Writhing in passion, her body exploded with an incredible orgasm. The nymph on top of her bent down and kissed her, the mud filling her mouth and nose. She tried to use her arms to push the creature away but her hands just sank into her. She felt herself pushed completely under. The mud nymphs poured themselves into her, filling every orifice, pouring down her throat and up her vagina. She tried to breathe but found that she didn't need to. She felt her body melting. Waves of joy cascaded though her as her mind expanded and she joined her sisters and became one with the mud. * Trooper Susan Novak was out searching. An out of town bird watcher had disappeared in the area. She hadn't been reported missing for a week but her car had been found in the parks visitor parking lot. That was several days ago and all of the regular paths had been searched. She had stumbled upon an old path and was following it down to the lake. As she followed the path down some sort of sound, like voices, urged her to continue. She reached the end of the path, which ended at a large pool of mud and found a pile of clothes and a fanny pack. The driver's license in the wallet identified the clothes as belonging to the missing girl. As she rose to continue the search, voices cried out in her head. "/Join us!/" they said. Her body turned involuntarily and she saw three beautiful women rising from the mud. No, not rising. They were made of mud. "/Join us!/" they said.