Tar Pit by Fear359 (f, tar, grim) Janet was the CEO of a big oil company, and when she got a tip that there was untapped oil in the middle of Wyoming, she jumped on the first plane and flew out to Cheyenne. She had a meeting with the owner of the land at 3:00, and so she checked into her hotel and got ready for her meeting. She wanted it to go well and didn't want any snags to happen, so she wore her tight black skirt, and 5 inch black leather heels, and a tight tank-top. When she was ready to go, she walked out of the hotel, and jumped in the car that she had rented, and started driving out to where she was supposed to meet Mr. Henry Johnson, owner of the land that they wanted to drill on. As she drove North on I-25, she kept looking at all the flat land in front of her, and she told herself that this had better pay off. As she found the dirt road that she was supposed to turn off on, the road got bumpy, and she knew that she should have gotten an SUV for the trip. As she came over the hill she saw a man standing by a truck, looking out on an empty field. Janet pulled up, and asked if the man was Mr. Johnson. He looked at her and said, "Yep that'd be me!" As Janet put the car into park and climbed out of the car, she could feel Mr. Johnson's eyes on her legs, and she thought, 'Yes, I've got him.' s Mr. Johnson looked at her and asked if she thought that this was Hollywood or something. Janet just stood there and laughed at the question, and then replied, that this was always how she dressed. Mr. Johnson just looked at her, and said, "Well if that's how you dress, I am not gonna tell you, that you should have worn pants, and boots." "Mr. Johnson, thank you for your concern, but if you could show me where this oil is, I could tell you if it's a try oil well, and then we can discuss what you would want for part of the right to it." "Look Miss, I don't know what they told you about this field here, but let me tell you something. This used to belong to the Indians, but it was taken from them, and it's said that their spirits still live there." Janet thought that he was using the story to boost up the price he was gonna be asking, so she said, "Mr. Johnson, if you like we can go out there and check out this oil together." "No you go, not me. I have lost to many cows out there, you can't get me out there for all the money in the world!" "Well then, if you can tell me where the oil is located at, I'll go check it out myself, and if it is as you say, you will be a very rich man, Mr. Johnson!" Mr. Johnson looked at her, and said, "It ain't about money, I just want this stuff to stop coming out of the ground, and killing my cattle that's all." Janet just looked at him, and said that she would go out, and take a look and see what she could do. Janet went to the back of the car and opened up the truck, and pulled out her portable testing kit, and then she closed the truck and asked Mr. Johnson in which direction the oil was. He pointed north-east, and Janet took off walking. Mr. Johnson climbed back into his truck and drove off. As Janet turned and watched him drive away, she couldn't believe her luck. If he wasn't around she could make a killing and only give him half of what he was offered. As she made her way through a field of high dead grass, she could see that the ground was covered in something, and that was killing off all the plant life around here. She walked about a mile when she came upon something on the ground, and when she got a little closer she could see that it was a cow that had died. It looked like it had been dead for a day, maybe two. The smell was horrible. So she made a wide birth of the dead cow, and when she came through the waist high grass she could not believe what was in front of her. About 20 feet in front of her was a small pool of black shiny stuff on the ground. "Oh my God, it's oil, and from the looks of it, a whole lot of it!" As Janet got a little closer to the oil on the ground, she bent down, and opened up her case, and ran a few test on it, and after about 15 minutes, the test told her that it was true oil, and it was unrefined. Janet's eye lit up, because this was the big one, and she was gonna get as much money as she could, and cheat Mr. Johnson out of as much as she could. As Janet stood up laughing she could hear something off in the distance, but it was coming closer. It looked like a sand storm at first, but as it got closer, she could see that it was men on horses, screaming at the top of their lungs. Janet thought that this was some kind of joke, then she remembered what Mr. Johnson had said about the Indians, and she thought, "Oh come now Mr. Johnson, this is not going to scare me, not in the least bit!" Janet stood her ground, and when the riders got within 30 feet, 20 feet, 10 feet, 5 feet, Janet closed her eyes and screamed. When she did open them, the riders were gone. As she looked around there was nothing there, no horse prints no nothing. As she gathered up her things, she thought that this was a little too crazy even for her. Janet closed her case and turned around to leave when she saw something on the ground, and when she saw what it was, she screamed. It was a rattlesnake, and it was coming her way. As Janet tried to get around the snake, it would cut her off, and it was closer in on her. Janet threw the case at it, and the snake moved out of the way and came at her with a burst of speed that Janet didn't think that snakes had. She did the only thing she could do, Janet took a jump backwards, but when she hit the ground she knew that she screwed up. Her heels hit the oil on the ground, and she was trapped, and as she tried to pull one foot out, the other would sink in deeper. Janet looked up to see where the snake was, but to her surprise, the snake was gone, just like the riders not even a sign that it was even there. Janet tried to pull her legs out of the sticky oil, but it seemed that the harder she tried the more she sank. She sank up to her ankles before she stopped, now all she had to do was think of a way to get out, and get back to the car. She figured that she was standing in a hole about 3 to 5 inches deep. 'No problem, just give one mighty pull, get one foot out then the other and then get the hell out of here.' Janet pulled with all her might, trying to get her right foot out, and after a two minute fight it came out, but the cost was losing her heel. She put her foot in front of her, but couldn't get the right leverage so she put in behind her, and she began to pull. Janets left foot came out, of the tar, but she lost her other heel in the process. Looking down, and her now black feet, she would slowly make her way back to the high ground, and walk back to the car. Just as Janet started walking forward, a bird flew in front of her, and startled her, and her took three steps back, and when she stopped she felt the tar close in over her feet, and before she could take a step forward the tar pulled her in up to her knees. Janet started screaming for help, but who knew that she was out there? Just Mr. Johnson, and he would be no help. As Janet tried to pull herself out of her sticky mess the tar pulled her in deeper, and Janet couldn't figure it out. "It can't be that deep, it just can't be!" As Janet looked around for something to grab and pull herself out she found that there was noting to grab. The tar was making it's way up her long legs, and Janet thought that if she wasn't in trouble this could feel good. As she looked down she could see her knees disappear underneath the tar, but she felt no signs of stopping. The tar pulled Janet in to her thighs, and that's when she knew something was wrong, and as she tried to fight the pulling of her body, she felt the tar fight back and pull her in more. Janet felt something wrap around the inside of her thigh, and when she looked down, she could see that the tar had clamped down on her thighs making it hard for her to keep a clear head. Janet tried to get out of the tar but she couldn't break the grip of it, and now that it had her pulled in just below her waist, it was doing some strange things to her. But as scared as she was for some strange reason she was liking it. After about five minutes of heaven Janet came back to reality, and found that she had sunk in up to her breasts. She screamed for help but there was no one the hear her screams, Janet fought with everything that she had, but the tarpit was winning, and Janet knew that in was only a matter of time before she was pulled in. She tried to be as still as she could, when she felt something happening again, she knew what it was, and she tried to fight it, but the tar was rubbing her on the inside of her thigh again, and this time it was more intense, and Janet lost all control, and went with it. Janet sank in the tar pit five minutes later.