Treasure you can't Reach by Fear359 (f, qs, grim) Nora was left alone in the jungle. Out of a party of eight she was the only one left, the rest were all dead, killed by the hidden horrors of the jungle. Why did she ever come on this god forsaken trip anyway? She remembered what the professor told her about the Inca's treasure and how he knew how to get to it. Well, now he was dead, along with the rest of the group, and Nora was the only one left. "What do I do now? I have no clue how to reach this treasue without him, and I don't even know where I am. Ahh, God! Why did I let him talk me into this? Well, maybe I can read this map if I just take my time and try to figure this out." As Nora sits down and looks at the map, she is trying to figure out what all these symbols mean. "Well, let's see. This is a tree, and a tree is right there. And there are some steps, and there are steps about 50 yards in front of me. So, let's go check it out, and see what we can see." As Nora heads for the steps she is being very careful where she steps. The Incas were very dangerous and set up traps for their enemies that came to steal their treasure. And that is what killed the seven that were with Nora. Once she reaches the top of the steps Nora can see a valley off in the distance, and she looks down at the map to see what is there. "Okay, map! What is down in that valley? Ah! There it is! Trees, water and something that looks like a bridge. Well, I didn't come this far to go back empty handed. So I'll just go on by myself and check this out for myself." Nora starts down the steps and makes her way along the small trail that is in the jungle. After about 20 minutes of walking the heat is starting to have its way with her, so she stops and decides to take a rest. "Man! If I knew it was gonna be this hot in this jungle I never would have come out here! Professor, if you weren't dead already, I would kill you myself! But if this treasure is really where the map says it is then I'll be that much richer and that much more happier." As Nora regains some of her strength she starts off walking again. And within 30 minutes is with sight of the trees that are on the map. They are huge and block out most of the sunlight. Still ever careful she stops and looks at the trail that leads through the trees. Unsure of what is in there, Nora picks up a rock that is on the side of the trail and throws it in, and what she see's scares her to no end. Spiders the size of small dogs begin to drop from the trees where the rock landed and begin to jump all over it. "Man! This is not cool! Spiders the size of dogs! My God, what's next in this 'land before time'-nightmare?" As Nora plans on her next move she looks to her right and sees a small trail that has been over run by some grass and decides that is her best bet to avoid the spiders. So with that Nora takes off and begins to hit the high grass with a stick she picked up. Just in case there are any spiders or snakes in there she can at least hit them with something. 150 yards down Nora comes out of the high grass, and in front of her is the small stream. "Stream here, now what is on the map? Ah! Yes, here it is! Stream ... Now, what could be in the stream?" Nora's question is soon answered when she takes a closer look into the steam that is about 3 feet deep. "Oh, hell! Piranha! This is getting harder by the minute. I should just turn around and go back and forget about this stupid treasure. I wouldn't be rich but I would still be alive." Nora really thought about turning back, but that thought only lasted for about a minute. She had to find a way across this stream. It was only about 20 feet across and not that deep, but she knew that if she got in there those Piranha could, and would, eat her alive in a matter of minutes. Nora slowly walked down the stream bed and up about 30 yards she saw a tree hanging over the water. "Hey, what is that? It looks like a ... No way!" Nora pulls out the map and looks at it closely and sees, that this must be the bridge that is on the map. Happy that she has found a way across the Piranha infested water, she slowly makes her way across the makeshift bridge, and once across she looks at the map again. "Alright! Let's see what other surprises are in store for me. Okay. I crossed the bridge, and I'm right about here, and ... Oh, my God! Oh, my God! There is nothing left in front of me! I have a straight shot to the treasure! I have about a mile and half walk, and I should be there." As Nora starts walking for the treasure she comes up to a swamp, and there is now way around it. So looking at her options Nora decides to walk straight through the swamp to the treasure. The going is long and hard. The mud is soft, and Nora got stuck a few times, but only knee deep, and in 40 minutes she is out of the swamp and looking at what use to be a small village of some sort. "God! I don't think anyone has lived there in at least 200 years. But why would anyone build a village by a stinking swamp for? Mr. Map, where am I?" As Nora pulls out her map and looks at it her eyes grow wide. The treasure is in the center of that village. Nora slowly walks into the village ready for something bad to happen, but as she keeps on walking she can see somthing in the middle of the village, something that is reflecting to sunlight. As Nora gets closer she can see that it is a smalll mountain of gold. Not needing the map any longer she rolls it up, puts it in her pocket and begins to run for the treasure. But 25 feet from the treasure something happens. "What in the world ... Ahh! Can't get my feet out of this - this mud! No, it can't be!" Oh, but it can, and it is, Nora. Quicksand. In her haste to reach the treasure she forgot to look at the map very closely. The ground on the map was a slightly different color than the rest of it. And now Nora is trapped in the quicksand, and the more she struggles, the deeper she is sinking. "Please, God! Anybody help me! I'm sinking in quicksand, and I can't get out! It's like glue, and ..." Nora hears something, and looks to her left and sees something that she doesn't believe: an Inca warrior just standing there, watching her sink to her doom. "Please! Please help me! I'm trapped and I can't get out! Please, God! Help me!" "I am sorry to say that I cannot help you. This is to be your final resting place. You, and others like you, have come for as long as I can remember to steal what is not yours. And so the inca God has sealed your fate, and that fate is what you are sinking in, because this is a treasure that you can't reach!" As quick as he appeared the warrrior disappears, leaving Nora to slowly sink in the quicksand. "No, wait! Please, come back! Please, I need your help! God, no!" Nora struggles and struggles, trying to reach solid ground, but it no use. The quicksand has 3/4's of her body, and it is only a matter of time now. As Nora feels her body slip ever deeper into to soft and deadly trap she tilts her head back and waits for the end to come. As the quicksand enters her ears she looks over at the treasure, and she could swear that it was laughing at her. As Nora feels the deadly and deep quicksand reach the corners of her eyes she closes them tightly and can still see the treasure that you can't reach.