Unjustified by Illegal Eagle (f/m, qs, grim) Lisa was finally done with the case. Score another victory for Chicagos Assistant D. A. As of today Lisa managed to put Michael Kudrow, a mass murderer who butchered 35 woman through out Illinois, away in prison on death row. After the sentencing of Kudrow, Lisa and her friend Pauline stopped off at the Ritz and had a few drinks to celebrate her victory. They usually went out a lot together because Lisa's husband, Tom traveled a lot for Microsoft. They were friends since law school, and kind of had like a sister-sister relationship. With the little celebration over, Lisa headed for home. It was seven o'clock and she was expecting a call from Tom at eight from his hotel in Boston. Traffic wasn't too bad for this time so Lisa knew she would be home in about 30 minutes. About 45 miles southeast of Chicago, Lisa lived in a two-story ranch house with a pool in the back. Surrounding the entire house and extending out for what looked like to be forever were cornfields. Complete silence. Lisa pulled into the driveway at 7:30. She opened the door to her Blazer and stepped out on to the paved driveway. Closing the door behind her, she walked to the back of the Blazer and opened the rear hatch. She leaned forward and reached for her briefcase. *THUMP!* * Lisa opened her eyes, but she couldn't see anything. She looked left, right, up, and down, but couldn't see anyone. She tried to stand up but found she was tied down to the chair she sat in. She also could feel a piece of tape on her mouth. "About time you woke up," a man's voice said. She looked in the direction it came from. Then she saw the flick of a cigarette lighter from the man's hand as he lifted it to his mouth where the cigarette was waiting. She didn't see his face but she could see he had a beard. *CLICK* A large quartz-light behind the man turned on and brightly shone in Lisa's eyes. Lisa noticed how he was dressed, all black clothes and a baseball cap. "As you may or may not have guessed, I am an associate of Mr. Kudrow but my name's not important enough that you need to know who I am. I will just tell you that Mr. Kudrow gives you his highest regards even though you did send him to the chair. He thought that no one would ever catch him and put him away like you did. But in the event that happened, he made quite an offer that anyone would take. $1,000,000,000 to the man who can kill Lisa Brody, Assistant D. A. His sister posted the reward after the trial. You're my ticket to fortune, baby." Lisa was spellbound. Kudrow's revenge was beginning now and she was first. 'Mom was right when she said I was in this mess way over my head,' she thought to herself. Lisa began to moan, pleading for her life. The man took a step towards her. *THUMP!* * Lisa awoke again this time to Metallica's /Creeping Death/ blasting from a car radio. Lisa was lying down now in the back seat of a vehicle, still tied up and gagged. She looked over to the right side of the seat to see a silver case and a folded up stand. She looked up and could get a blurry view of the side of her captors face. Listening and looking around the vehicle she noticed that the radio had a loud humming mixed in the sound. It was a diesel engine. She was in a pick-up truck, but she didn't know where she was going, or where she was being taken. She felt the truck turn to the left and her captor started to slow down. Lisa tried to look out the window and see where she was, but all she could see were trees and the crescent moon in the sky. The truck came to a halt and the driver's door opened, turning on the interior light. Lisa got her first good look at her captor now. He looked to be in his early or mid 20s with a medium build and a beard. He got out of the truck, shut the door and walked around to the right rear passenger door. He opened it and grabbed the case and tripod and put them on the ground. Lisa turned and looked into his eyes. "Lights out, little lady," he said and lifted a flashlight out from under his coat and *THUMP!* * Lisa awoke, finding she was standing up with her arms over her head. Her head was throbbing with pain from the three blows from the flashlight. She could see the sun was starting to come up and looked up to her hands. They were tied up around a low tree limb in the typical knot used to tie shoes. Her legs were no longer bound now and the gag was out of her mouth. She looked around and didn't see anyone. The only thing she saw was trees and dirt and the Mississippi River. The river and a few birds were the only thing that she could hear. "Where am I?" she asked to no one. After she was sure no one was around, she began to work on her hands. She grabbed the rope with two fingers and pulled on it enough to get the knot to come undone. She fell from the branch and her feet hit the soft mud under the tree. She looked around to the left and right. To her left was the river rushing by at a great speed from Lake Michigan. To her right was a clearing with a path on the other side. She began walking across the mud towards the path. The mud was thick and sticking to her shoes, now ruined. When she reached the center of the clearing, a malicious laugh came out of the bushes and Lisa froze in her tracks. Petrified from the laugh she didn't notice that her feet slipped under the surface of the mud. Lisa looked and twisted her body to the direction it came from, but with her feet under the mud she lost her balance and her left leg sank in up to it's mid calf. "You really thought you'd get away?" It was him, he was watching her from behind the bushes. Lisa began to move around some more, her right leg sank down to her knee. "You should really just relax. You're not going anywhere - except down, of course." "You bastard!" Lisa snarled, by now she was up to her mid thighs. Looking down at her almost fully submerged legs, a wave of terror rushed over her. "What the hell is happening?" "Oh, come on. You're a smart girl. Don't you know quicksand when you see it?" he said and let out another laugh. "Quicksand?!" Lisa gasped. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open. She knew about quicksand from the movies. Usually in the movies, when a person fell in quicksand, they end up drowning in it. "No! Please don't let me die here!" The quicksand was now pulling on her hips and buttocks, working it's way up to her stomach. "And why should I do that?" the man said. "You're putting a good friend of mine to death. Why shouldn't I do this?" The quicksand was now under Lisa's breasts. Slowly claiming her with every twitch she made. Her breathing was becoming slower and shorter with each inch she sank. "Oh, I almost forgot," the man said reaching over towards the bushes. "Smile! You're on Candid Camera, bitch!" he said, laughing again. As Lisa watched her breasts sink below the surface, tears began to stream from her eyes. No one was coming to save her. No one knew she was here. This guy was just going to sit and watch her sink, not to mention tape it. Lisa tilted her head back as the quicksand claimed her shoulders. Her neck was slowing falling below the surface and the only thing she could see was a single cloud in the sun filled sky. The sound of the river and the mans laughing was drowned out by silence as the quicksand claimed her ears. Her open mouth tipped a bit below the mud and she snapped it shut. She drew in a final breath through her nose before the darkness of the mud closed her eyes. She could feel herself still sinking down to the unknown depths of the quicksand. Her lungs were burning for air. She opened her mouth once more to get a mouthful of the stuff. Her life flashed before her eyes as her systems began to shut down. The surface of the quicksand was still now as the man shut off the video camera. He walked back up to his truck and left to collect his bounty.